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会计学博士国外院校排名 美国会计研究生专业较强的学校有哪些

今天天天高考网小编整理了会计学博士国外院校排名 美国会计研究生专业较强的学校有哪些,希望在这方面能够更好的帮助到考生及家长。

会计学博士国外院校排名 美国会计研究生专业较强的学校有哪些



1.University of Texas�CAustin

作为美国最先设立会计学研究生学位的大学,德州大学奥斯汀分校在会计业界有着崇高的声誉,是会计专业的老牌名校。会计专业的排名一直稳居第一。学校在德州,和A&M一起算德州本地会计系的2大旗帜。德州工商业也发展的不错,当中数Dallas和Houston最巨规模,下来有San Antonio。本地好公司想招会计学生一般最先想的是UT-Austin和A&M这两所学校。在就业上奥斯丁和A&M其实不分伯仲,虽然2个学校是死敌。会计系和本地企业关系好。每年春秋2季在学校招聘面试声势浩大,非常成规模。学校的career office也非常帮学生。

2.University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

伊利诺伊大学香槟分校)是“十大”盟校(The Big Ten)之一,建立于1867年,一直名列全美最优秀的理工大学之一,理工科在“十大”中更是排名第一,拥有美国第三大大学图书馆,仅次于哈佛和耶鲁。UIUC的会计专业排名很高,是很多申请会计专业学子的梦想之地。伊利诺伊大学香槟分校的会计学系隶属于商学院,下设会计科学硕士(Master of Accounting Science,MAS)、会计学科学硕士(Master of Science in Accountancy,MSA)和税务学硕士(Master of Science in Taxation)三个硕士项目和会计学博士项目(Ph.D. Program in Accountancy)。

3.University of Notre Dame

和西方众多古老的大学一样,圣母大学带有浓厚的宗教和上流社会色彩,依赖于强大的校友会,与当权*和一些显赫的商业财团保持着千丝万缕的关系。其校友包括前美国国务卿赖斯,著名作家Nicholas Sparks等。圣母大学在研究生阶段也只提供面向专业市场的会计学硕士学位(Master of Science in Accountancy),该学位要求学生在两个学期内完成全部课程的学习,课程的设计和教学主要是为了帮助学生达到美国商学院协会(The Association of American Collegiate Schools of Business,AACSB)会计学专业的认证要求。

4.University of Southern California

南加州大学设立了专门的会计学院(Leventhal School of Accounting),提供会计硕士(Master of Accounting)、商业税务硕士(Master of Business Taxation)和会计学博士(Ph.D. in Accounting)三种研究生学位。硕士学位主要面向会计专业的应用市场,博士则主要从事学术研究。

5.Texas A&M University

德州农工大学会计系提供会计学硕士(Master of Science in Accounting)和会计学博士(Ph.D. in Accounting)两级学位。会计系要求申请者具备会计领域的基础知识,并富有领导力、沟通能力、团队合作精神和批判性思维能力。

6.University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

北卡罗来纳大学会计学系提供会计硕士(Master of Accounting,MAC)和会计学博士(Ph.D. in Accounting)学位。该校的会计硕士要求申请者在入学前修读的会计学课程学分少于12个;如超过此限额,则不能申请MAC项目。

7.Indiana University-Bloomington

印地安纳大学Kelley商学院提供专业会计硕士(Master of Professional Accountancy)和会计学博士两级学位。专业会计硕士学位主要面向应用层面,帮助学生达到绝大多数州对注册会计师(CPA)的要求。

8.University of Wisconsin

威斯康星大学提供专业的会计硕士学位(Master of Accountancy,MAcc)、税务会计硕士(Master of Accountancy �CTaxation,MAcc-Tax)和会计学博士三种学位。除了博士针对学术研究领域外,硕士学位均以实际应用为主,帮助学生在会计业界获得进一步工作的能力。


会计学博士国外院校排名 美国会计研究生专业较强的学校有哪些
Ajou University Suwon Korea
American University Washington DC USA
Arizona State University Tempe AZ USA
Australian Grad Sch of Mgt Sydney Australia
Australian National Univ Canberra Australia
Bond University Gold Coast Australia
Boston University Boston MA USA
Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh PA USA
Case Western Reserve University Cleveland OH USA
Chinese University of Hong Kong Shatin Hong Kong
Chosun University Kwangju Korea
Chulalongkorn University Bangkok Thailand
Chung-Ang University at Ansung-Shi Ansung-Shi Korea
Chung-Ang University at Seoul Seoul Korea
City University of Hong Kong Kowloon Tong Hong Kong
Cleveland State University Cleveland OH USA
Columbia University New York City NY USA
Concordia University Montreal Canada
Cornell University Ithaca NY USA
CUNY-Baruch College New York City NY USA
Deakin University at Burwood Burwood Australia
Deakin University at Geelong Geelong Australia
Deakin University at Warrnambool Warrnambool Australia
Dongguk University Seoul Korea
Drexel University Philadelphia PA USA
Duke University Durham NC USA
Flinders University of South Australia Adelaide Australia
Florida International University Miami FL USA
Florida State University Tallahassee FL USA
George Washington University Washington DC USA
Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta GA USA
Georgia State University Atlanta GA USA
Glasgow University Glasgow Scotland
Griffith University Nathan Australia
Griffith University at Gold Coast Gold Coast Australia
Harvard University Cambridge MA USA
Hautes Etudes Com de Paris Jouy-en-Josas France
Hebrew University of Jerusalem Mount Scopus Israel
HEC Montreal Montreal Canada
Helsinki School of Economics Helsinki Finland
Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ Kowloon Hong Kong
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Kowloon Hong Kong
Indiana University Bloomington IN USA
Kent State University Kent OH USA
Kookmin University Seoul Korea
Korea Adv Institute of Science & Technology Seoul Korea
Korea University Seoul Korea
Kyungpook National University Taegu Korea
LaTrobe University Bundoora Australia
Lincoln University Canterbury New Zealand
London Business School London England
Loughborough University Leicestershire United Kingdom
Louisiana State University Baton Rouge LA USA
Louisiana Tech University Ruston LA USA
Macquarie University New South Wales Australia
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge MA USA
Massey University Palmerston New Zealand
McGill University Montreal Canada
Michigan State University East Lansing MI USA
Mississippi State University Mississippi State MS USA
Monash University Clayton Australia
Murdoch University Murdock Australia
Nanyang Technological University Nanyang Singapore
National Chengchi University Taipei Taiwan
National Economics University Hanoi Vietnam
National Taiwan University Taipei Taiwan
National University of Singapore Singapore Singapore
New York University New York NY USA
Northwestern University Evanston IL USA
Norwegian School of Econ & Business Adm Bergan-Norway Norway
Nova Southeastern University Ft Lauderdale-Davie FL USA
Ohio State University Columbus OH USA
Oklahoma State University Stillwater OK USA
Penn State University University Park PA USA
Purdue University West Lafayette IN USA
Queen's University Kingston Canada
Queensland University of Technology Brisbane Australia
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy NY USA
Rice University Houston TX USA
Rutgers University - Newark & New Brunswick Newark NJ USA
RWTH Aachen University Aachen Germany
Saint Louis University St. Louis MO USA
Santa Clara University Santa Clara CA USA
Seoul National University Seoul Korea
Simon Fraser University Burnaby Canada
Southern Illinois University Carbondale IL USA
Stanford University Stanford CA USA
Stockholm School of Economics Stockholm Sweden
SUNY-Buffalo Buffalo NY USA
Syracuse University Syracuse NY USA
Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv Israel
Temple University Philadelphia PA USA
Texas A&M University College Station TX USA
Texas Tech University Lubbock TX USA
Tulane University New Orleans LA USA
Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona Spain
Universite Laval Quebec Canada
University College Dublin Belfield Ireland
University du Quebec a Montreal Montreal Canada
University if Nottingham Nottingham England
University of Aberdeen Aberdeen Scotland
University of Adelaide Adelaide Australia
University of Alabama Tuscaloosa AL USA
University of Alberta Edmonton Canada
University of Arizona Tucson AZ USA
University of Arkansas Fayetteville AR USA
University of Auckland Auckland New Zealand
University of Bristol Bristol England
University of British Columbia Vancouver Canada
University of Calgary Calgary Canada
University of California - Berkeley Berkeley CA USA
University of California - Irvine Irvine CA USA
University of California - Los Angeles Los Angeles CA USA
University of Canterbury Christ Church New Zealand
University of Central Florida Orlando FL USA
University of Chicago Chicago IL USA
University of Cincinnati Cincinnati OH USA
University of Colorado - Boulder Boulder CO USA
University of Connecticut Storrs CT USA
University of Cyprus Nicosia Cyprus
University of Dundee Dundee Scotland
University of Essex Colchester England
University of Exeter Exeter England
University of Florida Gainesville FL USA
University of Georgia Athens GA USA
University of Glamorgan Treforest Wales
University of Graz Graz Austria
University of Hong Kong Honk Kong Hong Kong
University of Houston Houston TX USA
University of Hull East Riding England
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign IL USA
University of Iowa Iowa City IA USA
University of Kansas Lawrence KS USA
University of Kentucky Lexington KY USA
University of Lancaster Lancaster England
University of Leeds Leeds England
University of Maryland College Park MD USA
University of Massachusetts Amherst MA USA
University of Melbourne Victoria Australia
University of Memphis Memphis TN USA
University of Michigan Ann Arbor MI USA
University of Minnesota Minneapolis MN USA
University of Mississippi University MS USA
University of Missouri - Columbia Columbia MO USA
University of Navarra Barcelona Spain
University of Nebraska Lincoln NB USA
University of Nebraska Lincoln NE USA
University of New England Armidale Australia
University of New South Wales Sydney Australia
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill Chapel Hill NC USA
University of North Texas Denton TX USA
University of Oklahoma Norman OK USA
University of Oregon Eugene OR USA
University of Otago Dunedin New Zealand
University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia PA USA
University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh PA USA
University of Port*outh Port*outh England
University of Queensland Brisbane Australia
University of Rochester Rochester NY USA
University of South Carolina Columbia SC USA
University of South Florida Tampa FL USA
University of Southern California Los Angeles CA USA
University of Southern Denmark Odense Denmark
University of Stirling Stirling Scotland
University of Sydney Sydney Australia
University of Ta*ania Sandy Bay Australia
University of Tennessee Knoxville TN USA
University of Texas - Arlington Arlington TX USA
University of Texas - Austin Austin TX USA
University of Texas - Dallas Dallas TX USA
University of Texas - San Antonio San Antonio TX USA
University of Tsukuba Tsukuba Japan
University of Ulster at Jordanstown Newtownabbey Ireland
University of Umea Umea Sweden
University of Utah Salt Lake City UT USA
University of Wales Aberystwyth Wales
University of Wales at Bangor Bangor Wales
University of Washington Seattle WA USA
University of Waterloo Waterloo Canada
University of Western Australia Nedlands Australia
University of Western Ontario London Canada
University of Wisconsin - Madison Madison WI USA
University of Wollongong Wollongong Australia
University Western Sydney Penrith Australia
Vanderbilt University Nashville TN USA
Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond VA USA
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University Blacksburg VA USA
Vrije Universteit Amsterdam Amsterdam Netherland
Washington State University Pullman WA USA
Washington University St. Louis MO USA
WU Vienna University of Economics and Business Vienna Austria
Yonsei University Seoul Korea
York University Toronto Canada
下回楼主在找这类信息不要上百度用中文搜,上google.co.uk搜ACCOUNTING PHD或者ACCOUNTING DOCTOR。


会计学博士国外院校排名 美国会计研究生专业较强的学校有哪些

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