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英国的专科院校排名 专科生可以去英国留学吗?都需要什么条件啊? - 百度...

今天天天高考网小编整理了英国的专科院校排名 专科生可以去英国留学吗?都需要什么条件啊? - 百度...,希望在这方面能够更好的帮助到考生及家长。

英国的专科院校排名 专科生可以去英国留学吗?都需要什么条件啊? - 百度...



University of Aberdeen
University of Abertay Dundee
Anglia Polytechnic University
The Archbishop of Canterbury
Aston University

University of Bath
Bath Spa University College
University of Birmingham
Bolton Institute of Higher Education
Bournemouth University
University of Bradford
University of Brighton
University of Bristol
Brunel University
University of Buckingham
Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College

University of Cambridge(包括此大学中的下列院校):
** Christ’s College
** Churchill College
** Clare College
** Clare Hall
** Corpus Christi College
** Darwin College
** Downing College
** Emmanuel College
** Fitzwilliam College
** Girton College
** Gonville and Caius College
** Homerton College
** Hughes Hall
** Jesus College
** King’s College
** Lucy Cavendish College
** Magdalene College
** New Hall
** Newnham College
** Pembroke College
** Peterhouse
** Queen’s College
** Robinson College
** Selwyn College
** Sidney Sussex College
** St Catherine’s College
** St Edmund’s College
** St John’s College
** Trinity College
** Trinity Hall
** Wolfson College
Canterbury Christ Church University College
University of Central England in Birmingham
University of Central Lancashire
Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education
University College, Chichester
City University
Coventry University
Cranfield University

De Montfort University
University of Derby
University of Dundee
University of Durham (包括此大学中的下列院校):
** College of St Hild and St Bede
** Collingwood College
** George Stephenson College, Stockton Campus
** The Graduate Society
** Grey College
** Hatfield College
** John Snow College, Stockton Campus
** St Aidan’s College
** St Chad’s College
** St Cuthbert’s Society
** Sy John’s College
** St Mary’s College
** Trevelyan College
** University College
** Ushaw College
** Van Mildert College

University of East Anglia
University of East London
University of Edinburgh
University of Essex
University of Exeter

University of Glamorgan (Prifysgol Morgannwg)
University of Glasgow
Glasgow Caledonian University
University of Greenwich

Harper Adams University College
Henley Management College
Herriot-Watt University
University of Hertfordshire
University of Huddersfield
University of Hull

University of Keele
University of Kent at Canterbury
Kingston University

University of Lancaster
University of Leeds
Leeds Metropolitan University
University of Leicester
University of Lincolnshire and Humberside
University of Liverpool
Liverpool John Moores University
University of London (包括此大学中的下列院校):
** Institutes of the University
** British Institute in Paris
** Courtauld Institute of Art
** School of Advanced Study
** Institutes constituting the School of Advanced Study of the University
** Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
** Institute of Classical Studies
** Institute of Commonwealth Studies
** Institute of English Studies
** Institute of Germanic Studies
** Institute of Historical Research
** Institute of Latin American Studies
** Institute of Romance Studies
** Institute of United States Studies
** Warburg Institute
** University Marine Biological Station, Millport
London Guildhall University
The London Institute
Loughborough University
University of Luton

University of Manchester
University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology
The Manchester Metropolitan University
Middlesex University

Napier University, Edinburgh
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
University of North London
University College Northampton
University of Northumbria at Newcastle
University of Nottingham
The Nottingham Trent University

Open University
University of Oxford (包括此大学中的下列院校):
** All Souls College
** Balliol College
** Brasenose College
** Christ Church
** Corpus Christi College
** Exeter College
** Green College
** Harris Manchester College
** Hertford College
** Jesus College
** Keble College
** Kellogg College
** Lady Margaret Hall
** Linacre College
** Lincoln College
** Magdalen College
** Mansfield College
** Merton College
** New College
** Nuffield College
** Oriel College
** Pembroke College
** The Queen’s College
** Somerville College
** St Anne’s College
** St Antony’s College
** St Catherine’s College
** St Cross College
** St Edmund Hall
** St Hilda’s College
** St Hugh’s College
** St John’s College
** St Peter’s College
** Templeton College
** Trinity College
** University College
** Wadham College
** Wolfson College
** Worcester College
** Permanent Private Halls
** Blackfriars
** Campion Hall
** Greyfriars
** Regent’s Park College
** St Benet’s Hall
** Wycliffe Hall
Oxford Brookes University

University of Paisley
University of Plymouth
University of Port*outh
Presbyterian Theological Faculty, Ireland

Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh
The Queen\'s University of Belfast

University of Reading
The Robert Gordon University
Royal Agricultural College
Royal College of Art
Royal College of Music
The Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, Glasgow

University of Salford
University of Sheffield
Sheffield Hallam University
South Bank University
University of Southampton
University of St Andrews
Staffordshire University
University of Stirling
University of Strathclyde
University of Sunderland
University of Surrey
University of Surrey, Roehampton
The Surrey Institute of Art & Design, University College
University of Sussex

University of Teesside
Thames Valley University

University of Ulster

University of Wales (包括此大学中的下列院校):
** University of Wales, Aberystwyth
** University of Wales, Bangor
** University of Wales, Cardiff
** University of Wales, Lampeter
** University of Wales, Swansea
** University of Wales College of Medicine
** University of Wales Institute, Cardiff
** University of Wales College, Newport
University of Warwick
University of the West of England
University of Westminster
University of Wolverhampton
University College Worcester

University of York

Birkbeck College

Gold*iths College

Heythrop College

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
Institute of Education

Kings College London

London Business School
London School of Economics and Political Science
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Queen Mary and Westfield College

Royal Academy of Music
Royal Holloway and Bedford New College
The Royal Veterinary College

School of Oriental and African Studies
The School of Pharmacy
St George\'s Hospital Medical School

University College London

专科生可以去英国留学吗?都需要什么条件啊? - 百度...

英国的专科院校排名 专科生可以去英国留学吗?都需要什么条件啊? - 百度...

4、通过在英国高质量的教育体系中的学习,开拓视野,提升学生的竞争力,为学生今后的进一步学习或就业奠定坚实的基础。 【想知道哪所海外院校适合你?】

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本文标题:英国的专科院校排名 专科生可以去英国留学吗?都需要什么条件啊? - 百度...
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