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上海高考英语阅读模拟题及答案 高考英语词汇讲解:as,when,while的用法区别详解

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上海高考英语阅读模拟题及答案 高考英语词汇讲解:as,when,while的用法区别详解





Arli has learnt how to type for several years. Still, he types rather slowly, and he can only spell out words of four letters or less. But Arli is doing quite well for a dog.

He is black, white, and brown. He uses a special typewriter it has shallow bowl—like keys that are about two inches wide. His owner calls out the letter, the dog hits the keys with this nose.

Arli does very well at typing “good dog”. But he seems to have a bit of trouble when he is asked to spell out “bad dog”.

1. Arli is the name of .

A. a typist(打字员) B. a child C. a dog D. a man

2. The main purpose of the story is to tell us that Arli is .

A. a very bad typist B. unusually clever

C. a very good typist D. slow and not clever

3. How do you think Arli learned to type?

A. He was helped to do it by a dog . B. He did it with the help of his master .

C. He started doing it naturally several years ago. D. He did it for a living .

4. The writer tells us that Arli’s typewriter .

A. has only a *all number of keys B. is *aller than an ordinary typewriter

C. is larger than an ordinary typewriter D. sometimes gives you a bit of trouble


1C 2 B 3 B 4 C


Joe and Helen Mills had two *all children. One was six and the other four. They always resisted going to bed, and Helen was always complaining (抱怨) about this and asking Joe for help. But as he did not come home until after they had gone, to bed during the week, he was unable to help except at weekends.

Joe considered himself a good singer, but really his voice was not at all musical. However, he decided that, if he sang to the children when they went to bed, it would help them to relax, and they would soon go to sleep.

He did this every Saturday and Sunday night until he heard his *all son whispered to his younger sister, “If you pretend that you’re asleep, he stops.”

1. The children always resisted going to bed, which .

A. made Helen suffer a lot B. satisfied their mother

C. Helen was not satisfied with D. gave Helen much trouble

2. The husband couldn’t help the wife to look after the children .

A. because he returned from work too late B. since his voice sounded like a singer’s

C. except on Saturday and Sunday

D. for he did not come home until after the children had gone to bed weekends

3. Joe worked .

A. all the week including Saturday and Sunday

B. during the week including the weekends

C. every day but Saturday and Sunday

D. every week except on Sunday

4. Which of the following conclusions can we draw from the above story?

A. Joe’s song did help the children to relax.

B. With Joe’s help, the children went to sleep.

C. The wife must be thankful to her husband for the great help.

D. The children were so tired of their father’s voice that they pretended to be asleep.

5. This joke tells about .

A. Joe and Helen B. Helen’s trouble

C. Joe’s foolery D. the bright idea of the two *all children


1C 2 C 3 C 4 D 5 C



上海高考英语阅读模拟题及答案 高考英语词汇讲解:as,when,while的用法区别详解




He fell asleep when[while,as]he was reading.他看书时睡着了。

I met him when[as,while]I was taking a walk in the park.我在公园散步时遇到了他。


A:I’m going to the post office.我要去邮局。

B:While you are there,can you get me some stamps?当你在邮局时,能帮我*几张邮票吗?


Don’t talk while you’re eating.吃饭时不要说话。

I kept silent while he was writing.在他写的时候,我默不作声。


She sang as she went along.她边走边唱。


When[As]he came in,I was listening to the radio.他进来时,我在听收音机。

It was raining hard when[as]we arrived.我们到达时正下着大雨。


I thought of it just when[as]you opened your mouth.就在你要说的时候,我也想到了。


Things are getting better and better as time goes on.随着时间的推移,情况越来越好。

As it grew darker,it became colder.天色越晚,天气越冷。


It’s cold when it snows.下雪时天冷。

He *iles when you praise him.你夸奖他时他总是笑笑。


I will go home when he comes back.他回来时,我就回家去。

I will discuss this with you when we meet next time.我们下次见面时,我要同你讨论这个问题。


We were about to start when it began to rain.我们正要出发,这时天开始下雨了。

He likes coffee,while she likes tea.他喜欢咖啡,而她却喜欢茶。


As[When]a boy,he lived in Japan.他小时候在日本。

As[When]still a student,he wrote a novel.当他还是个学生的时候,他就写了一本小说。


When[While]reading,he fell asleep.他看书时睡着了。

When[While]in trouble,ask her for help.遇到麻烦的时候你就去找她帮忙。

You must study hard while young,or you will regret when old.你趁年轻时必须努力学习,不然到老了你会后悔的。




1.由音及形法。 即弄清这个单词中的字母或字母组合的发音,根据读音写出相应的字母及字母组合.这样既可以使我们准确发音,又能较容易地记住单词拼写.

2.分类法。把学过的单词按其属性分门别类串在一起记。例如季节:spring 、summer 、autumn 、winter学科:English、maths、physics history、 Chinese……颜色:red、yellow 、white 、black、 green……





词的搭配look at--look for--look up--look after



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